Sunday, 16 September 2007

WHAT A BORING SUNDAY. Cleaning my room wasted half of the day. And the best thing is - it is still very dirty. I think the best solution for me is to shift house. (its that bad!) ;p

Anyway, there is a growing trend among teenagers (the insane ones) to have forked tongues. When I say forked tongue, it means a tongue like a snake. See picture below.

It is really very gross to have a tongue like this. Can you imagine kissing your girlfriend who has a tongue like this? How to french kiss like that? SO GROSS LAR. Pui.

The picture shows a real person having a forked tongue or what they termed as split tongue. Might as well just cut away the tongue...more cool rite.

Apparently Tab TV is featuring this forked tongue topic on Tuesday at 10pm, so don't miss it!