Sunday, 23 September 2007

Lately I have been busying myself with work and work and more work, not that I have a choice though. There's just too much to do, with 2 major events coming up and all. So everytime when I reach home, I will be too sick of facing the computers to even on it. That explains my absence from blogging.

Anyway, finally met up with BOND yesterday, been awhile since we last met! Went to have our favourite tom yam...then slacked around before Ling decided to go rebond her hair at the salon near my house.

Hee. Ling will probably kill me if she sees this pic. But at least the face is covered riteeee. Anyway we were so noisy till I think the hairdresser also buay tahan us lar. He ask us to lower down the volume of our radio and I stupidly thought he really wanted us to help him to lower down the volume of his stereo. HAHA- he meant us.

It was not long before I joined my family for dinner at IMM. Then my parents have a sudden urge to want go and see the infamous Monkey Tree, where apparently there was a monkey-like figure on the bark of the tree. It was really an ulu part of Jurong West, and at 9:30pm there was still many many many many people surrounding the tree.

The Monkey Tree!

It's really incredible how the tree barks can resemble a monkey so much! I think STB can consider making this tree Singapore's next tourist attraction.

Oh yah! I also went to a Feng Shui shop yesterday and took a Aura picture.

I'm supposed to be in the picture but I don't know somehow the aura colours completely covered me. A brief analysis from the fortune teller was:

Career: My current job is a very good one, with prospects of a promotion, or chances of becoming a full time staff. (Just give me pay rise can liao lar! :D)

Wealth: Generally okay, but I have very bad wealth management, thus money that flows in will be gone in a minute. And the lady suggested I take up wealth management courses. (which only meant spending more money rite.) :(

Love: She asked if I was in a relationship, and I said yes. Her analysis is that I am not happy in my current relationship, and that I have very high expectations of my boyfriend. She also says I lack love and care. HAHA. Somehow after that, my parents decided they should show me more concern and care. :D I say, just gimme more money lar huh.

Health: Apparently she knows I lack sleep and advised that I should get more sleep as its taking a toll on my health. Not that I can help it though. If I could, I want to sleep till 1pm everyday!!! :(

On the whole, the fortune telling is true to a certain extent lar. But I do strongly agree that I need to sleep more and manage my finances! ;p

Talking bout sleep, its time I hit my bed now. GOOD NIGHT ALL!