Sunday, 16 September 2007

The month of September is so filled with birthdays! On Thursday, we celebrated the birthday of my colleague. Heh.

And yesterday, I met up with Valerie, Qing, Nice and Xuan for dinner at Earl Swensens in Vivocity to celebrate Val's belated birthday!
Earl Swensens is really freaking expensive and shallow. Maybe I should use the word tawdry. The baked rice that I ordered was like $25.80 and it is the worst dinner I ever ate. I didn't even finish half of it! (It serves 2, by the way)

Anyway, after the unsatisfying dinner, we went to the playground outside and had our "cake eating ceremony", c/o Ng Wan Qing, who bought 7 different slices of cakes from TCC.

Looks nice? Its very very nice! :)

Xuan and Valerie

There were more pictures! But with Qing and Xuan. Heh. Shall upload when I have it!

So today had a simple afternoon with Wendell. I walked his dog, Casper, who is damn bloody cute and intelligent. Apparently he understands music and when you play the piano, he will sing!

Casper resting after a tiring walk.

So adorable rite.

But of course, my zaizai is still the cutest and cleverest! (His picture cannot be disclosed for security purposes) :D

Alright, its late, and I need sleepppppp!!! Tomorrow I shall go run. I wanna train myself and take part in sports events next time!! LOL. ;p Night all!