Saturday, 8 December 2007

I love Saturdays! Because I get to wake up late, and slack around doing nothing at all. :)

Yesterday I met up with Qing, Eunice and Yixuan for a dinner at Sakae Sushi. I wanted to experiment something, so I stacked all our empty plates up high, and put one premium red plate behind the stacked of plates. It seems that, no matter which sushi outlet you go to, the waiter/waitress who counts your plates at the end of your meal, would always not notice the plate behind the stacked plates.

So it was like a $5 discount for us. HAHA! ;p

After eating, we went to Jurong Point to do manicure!

Qing & Eunice

I have a fetish for metallic nail colours. :)

Today was supposed to go sing KTV with my sister, but we did not go in the end. My family went to Jurong Point to eat dinner because my sis want to buy contact lens and make spectacles.

Our dinner:

Guess where?

My bored parents.

Dinner was very nice! (but very ex too!) I want to go back there again soon! :)

After dinner, we went to the optics shop...

My sis testing her eyesight.

And me, I bought a dark purple Levi's Ladies Style frame! I figured I would need one sooner or later, because my eyesight is getting worse lar. It's currently about 75 degress per eye, though mild but still significant.

This the one! I look abit ugly here. :(

It costs me $230!! But I think it is worth it lar. And it comes with a very nice white spectacle case! Will take more pictures when I get my specs next saturday. :) My whole family spent about more than $500 in 1 hour at that optics shop lor. My dad made a Gucci specs, while my sis made one Levi's Ladies specs as well. Tsk tsk.

Okok. I am off to play game! I am officially addicted to AuditionSEA again. LOL. It's very nice okay! :) BYE ALL!

You can download the game client here.