Tuesday, 3 June 2008

I fell really sick yesterday.

I was on my way to school when I felt my stomach feeling super wierd. And so I alighted at Chinese Garden and took a cab home, amidst the giddiness I felt.

When I reached home, the first thing in my mind was to lie on the bed and before I knew, I was drifting in and out of sleep till about 5pm. Head was spinning, and felt like vommitting. And when I took my temperature for the first time, it was 39 degrees! Guess that explains why my head is thumping so badly.

Told Don don about it and he was quite worried, so he came to bring me to see doctor after he book out. If not for him I probably would have fainted on my way 'cos was so giddy! Doctor said I am having stomach flu and that there's infection in my intestines, thus the nausea and fever. Even now, the thought of food still makes me wanna puke.

After that went to buy porridge with Don don back home. And we watched the stupid Singapore soccer match VS some stupid South Africa country with my sister. Don don even helped me fed Xiao Hei as I am sick, better don't touch the bird in case it's contagious. I'm impressed lar. Haha.

Thanks Don don...(:

Didn't go to school today because last minute the lesson was cancelled. Lucky. Because i was still feeling sick. But missed 6 hrs of lessons yesterday, felt damn bad. Hopefully by tomorrow, I will be okay!