Friday, 29 February 2008

I just came back from the concert of Jay Chou (Jacky) starring Guests of Honor - Zhang Hui Mei (Hui Wen) & Beyonce (Lei). POWER LAR! My friends can all really sing man, and I am not kidding! I foresee I will have a lot of famous friends in the future. LOL.

Anyway classes are alright, started Accounting today, find it quite okay. Actually I feel like I am attending Entrepreneurship talks everyday lar. Really don't catch a ball on what the lecturers are talking about, thank god I had some management background.

My lecturers are all very interesting (retired at 32 years old that kind) individuals who owns a business and does teaching as a HOBBY or sidekick. You sometimes just gets enlightenment just listening to them talk. *ding ding ding*

And yeah, I managed to make friends with the person beside me, and the person beside the person beside me. THAT is good progress okay. :)

Alright alright, I am sooooo tired now I think I need my beauty sleep (if there is any left, or ANY at all.)