Wednesday, 21 November 2007

Was feeling really sick and weak today.

Vomitted suddenly in the middle of the night yesterday...practically threw up all my meals of yesterday at one go. Felt so terrible...and I think I woke my sister up. Then I drifted in and out of sleep till today morning.

Head was throbbing like hell. Then I forced myself out of bed and travelled to Kallang - National Stadium to do stock take. Was not feeling well lar, so I took cab there...and took cab back home to see doctor. *sigh* Waste my money!!

Also got scolded by Wendell, keep saying I never listen to him...insisting to go to work even though I am sickkkk. Thanks lar..I know you are concerned about me...:) Sorry to make you worry okies.

Doctor says I'm down with stomach flu. I knew it lors. The last time I had this sick feeling was in Sec 2 during camp...whatever food I ate I will vomit out. I DON'T LIKE THIS SICK FEELING!!

He said could be the sushi I ate yesterday...cuz yesterday me and Qing went to buy alot of sushis to bring to Eunice house for a mini sushi party. *sobs*

I am afraid I will vomit again, 'cos my stomach is still feeling very wierd. T___T