Tuesday, 13 November 2007

I have learnt to be more organised - through the hard way.

But you come to realise that everything becomes simpler, faster and your mind is clearer. I am enjoying my new found ability. (liyun can be an organised person too! or at least i learn to be. :D)

Always set your directions, tasks and then slowly check it off your list as it is done. Know your priorities.

And yes finally, another event (Swissotel Vertical Marathon) down. I am now left with the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon which has garnered over 40,000 participants this year! Fortunately, my role is simpler this time - Prize Presentation girl! Hehe. I am going to get my sister to be my partner.

Work aside, I went for my cousin's (what do you call your father's cousin's son anyway?) informal wedding lunch gathering. He is actually based in Australia, and held his wedding there, so he is just returning to Singapore with his wife to meet the folks here. Pretty wife he has got!

The wife is from Taiwan, and they met in Australia where they now reside. How sweet. (:

And photos with cousins!

my pretty cuzzies (:

Sheng and us girls.

the young ones. *hahas oops*

That's all man...I am so damn sleepy! GOOD NIGHT everyone!