Sunday, 28 October 2007

*wipes cob webs on my blog*

Pardon me for the hiatus - i was really really busy!

The past weeks was spent preparing for the Great Eastern Women 10k Run, which luckily, ended in success last weekend.

Some pictures taken:

me & my cute friends at the information booth!

guess which is my hand! (seriously, its very obvious)

The day before the event...we checked into Swissotel The Stamford (At Cityhall). Heh. Its my first time staying in a hotel at Singapore. I must say, the view from my room (45th floor) was breath-taking! Too bad I couldn't fully enjoy the stay, because we have to help out at the site at 4am!

Post event days are really slow to go by...but workload is lesser and I have more time to concentrate on the next event, Swissotel Vertical Marathon 2007! :)

Anyway, yesterday I met up with the girls (Ling, Vic, Lei and Chunnit)...and we went to the halloween party @ ZOUK! (: It rocks! (except for a few fights and disturbing guys)

* Warning: The following post is filled with pictures!

I went because my sister said she will be dressing up (as a Chinese Taoist) with her other friends.

Below are some pics I took before going out:

and this is what I wore!

After meeting the girls, we decided to shop for clothes to wear to the halloween party!

And I bought this checked black dress that I really liked.

chunnit and me

ah lianz and me

ling and chunnit

me and vic

the pretty ladies!

When we reached zouk...we saw freaking long queues of the ang moh and cheena "ghosts" trying to get in zouk. We wasted 5 mins queuing for Velvet, which was not where we wanted to go. Then later we figured we could go to Phuture, which the queue was much faster. In between the queuings, we had a mini quarrel with some bitches in ugly corpse bride costumes. The irony is that- the costume actually looked better than the person.

Anyway, got into pPhuture, and we were like hopping between Zouk and Phuture for the least crowded dancefloor, but of course, everywhere is jam packed with "ghosts"! How to dance liddat?! There was not even moving space can...everyone is just squeezing everyone else.

In the end, we settled for Phuture, and danced there for a while...until a fight broke out. It was a group of guys against one. *ouch* Because it was like really near us, a hero decided to step in and stood in front of me and shielded us girls. He was like "Are you all alright??" and I said yes, then me and my girl friends fleed the place. Too scared lar.

We went out to catch a breather some time after that outside zouk...the girls were really tired.

haha! as I said, they were tired. So they probably didn't know I took their pictures.


Because we haven't utilised our drink coupons, we decided to head back in to get our drinks. By then, it was already 2am!

While we were back in, I managed to locate my sis and her friends. Heh. Then we went to dance again. This time, a fight almost broke out again. I was very scared lor...keep asking the guy to calm down.

Its this 3 guys that we know when we danced...and one of them happened to be Ling's friend or colleague or somethinngggg like that. So they became quite protective of us girls and there was this group of guys dancing near us...then Ling's friend like not very happy...told the guys to maintain a distance from us. Then almost fight lar!!!! So SCARY!! Lucky they didn't, if not we would be hit too i think.

Although overall I kind of enjoyed the partying atmosphere...(everyone was very HIGH), but I think I won't be frequenting the place, unless there's interesting event like the Halloween party! But it was definitely a better experience for me compared to the ST. JAMES one.

HEH. Lucky got my sis to share cab with me...cuz we 5 girls..also can't go home together. My sis's friend dropped us at some place with another girl still in her Chinese vampire costume to take cab. We got on the cab first. Then my sis was like saying, the friend sure can't get any cab at the place cuz its so ulu, and she's like the only one there. SOMEMORE...the cab drivers would be freaked out to see a chinese ghost standing alone at such hours lar! So funny cannnnnnn.

HAHA. alright. Its late! Gotta sleep. Good night all!! :)

* To wendell...
Hope you get well soon! Hate to see you falling sick....:((
Take care my dear..*hugs*