Thursday, 16 August 2007

I have very bad wealth management and I know it. And I have been thinking alot about it these days. (And not to mention the countless Prudential agents who reminded me again and again I need to save.)

I was approached by a Prudential agent yet again just now, but this time instead of asking me to take up a saving plan, they asked me if I'm interested to join Prudential as a part time consultant. LOL.

Anyway, just out of curiosity, I went to their website to have a look, and chanced upon a retirement calculator. If you want to know how much you have to save so that you can retire and be RICH, you can go to :

And NO, I'm not working for Prudential okies. Just find it fun. I need to save $1231 for 45 years to receive $2500/month when I retire at 65 years old!! That's so longggggg. :(

That having said, I NEED TO START SAVING NOW!